IBPS Clerical Exam is common to 20 nationalized banks in India. Any Graudate / Post Graduate who is in between 20 – 28 years can apply.
IBPS (Institute of Banking Personnel Selection) will conduct the Common Written Examination (CWE) for the clerical and PO posts. The CWE test will not be following the pattern of an OMR answer sheet for the questions asked in the examination. There would be an online test that would be conducted for the purpose of the CWE and the candidates can easily go through the test very conveniently by the online mode. This change has been brought into effect because of the high number of candidates who turn up for the CWE conducted by the IBPS.
Sylaabus for IBPS Clerk Post:
The topics that would be covered under the objective type online CWE would be: Reasoning, English, Numerical Ability, General Awareness (Banking Industry oriented) and Computer Knowledge. This whole online test would be for a total of 200 marks and would have 200 questions and the duration would be 2 hours. The qualifying candidates will be called for Common Interviews for final selection decision.
Find below institutes which give training / coaching for IBPS exam in Pondicherry.
BIM – Brilliant Institute of Mathematics
Vetri Venkateswara School Campus. 2nd Floor
No.8, Govindapillai Street, Kannan Nagar, Puducherry – 605013
Contact: 0413-2203985, 8056503047, 9600732903, 9944969819
Sri Sakthi Bank Coaching Centre
No.5, Chinna Kosapalayam, (Near Madhava Hospital) Nellithope, Puducherry - 605005
Contact: 9585524559, 9585534559
If your coaching / training centre is missing here, email to pondy.tour@gmail.com
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