Online payment facility for paying electricity bills in Puducherry – Chief Minister N. Rangasamy inaugurated the service.

Online e-payment service is for only SBI customers.
Steps for paying electricity bills online
Step 1: Go to and login with your account
Step 2: Click on Bill Payments
Step 3: Click on Add
Step 4: Select City/State Radio button
Step 5: Select Puducherry from drop down box
Step 6: Select Puducherry Electricity Department from drop down box
Step 7: Click on Go
Step 8: Fill the details required
Step 9: Click on Submit
Once it is added, approved you can view this Biller under View Tab
After that you can pay the bills online.
I have added biller list in my sbi account For online eb bill payment. now can i pay eb bills online or Has to conform with EB Dept. please send me EB contact person details...
I finsih all above steps but i cannot enable to pay online payment after a month also
your guielines are very nice. I added in my account. but EB department not uptodated. bill received by post or hand. but online amount not mentioned. what can i do?
R.Baburaj jain
Thanks for sharing it...... But this Online payment facility is available to those who are having SBI A/c. but it is no way helpful to other Banks A/c. Holders.....
probably i hate sbi online payments because i paid my bsnl bill through online ... in the date of 5th may 12 but today (8th june 12 ) still it's showing ... waiting for conformation bsnl they are saying not received money .. in sbi they are withdrawn the amount frm my A/C.
where is my money gone .. i can't cancel this ..???
someone help me ??
suggestion : so plz avoid online sbi payments .. just go and pay directly
Why don't the facility be extended to credit cards and debit cards
If the facility is availbale to all credit card holders long ques can be avoided in the Electricity office cash counters.
i registered. then what should i do,to see pay the bill?
i couldn't see the current month bill amount ...
I just tried the Online bill payment for my Electricity via my SBI a/c. The initial setup took me quiet a while to figure out what the consumer code should be. In my case the last alphabet is not required. I was entering it fully. Anyway once I was past the registration stage, I kept waiting for my bill to arrive. But looks like they don't have that setup yet. If you have the paper bill in front of you, just look at that and pay the same amount. I did that and the next statement I did see it in the bill as payed.
bsnl online payment is a simple and quick way for staying connected with dear ones, without being worried about balance. It is a time utilizing option for working person's.
otherthan who doesnt have sbi a/c ? government has to provide common facilty to all public
Kindly consider online payment reciept for downloading oblick printing. please update if not all efforts made for online facility is on vain ,thank you
Kindly consider online payment reciept for downloading oblick printing. please update if not all efforts made for online facility is on vain ,thank you
what about other banks. cant we pay with other bank accounts. Is it purticularly sbi only or what? every state is having seperate online payment link via bill desk. What about pondicherry. Cant we pay online if we are not having sbi account. horrible. worst service
shame on your part as you are not having link for all bank account holders. Every thing is going online and you are proudly advertising for this cheap facility????????
Feel shame as you are too late for this facility to be enabled and extend to all the banks debit cards credit cards etc.
What your IT department doing?
I am in the dark to know the status of my bill payment. Department at Mettupalayam informed that if we choose other bank's debit cards it will take three days time to reach Electricity Department and we will be charged penality if it reaches late. But my account was debited instantly. Who will bear the charges? Let the electricity department has to give detail bill with date of receipt of funds so as to enable us to collect delayed charges from concerned bank. We feel very bad and discouraged to use other banks debit card or internet banking. Customer has to choose direct payment standing in the long queues. Why dont consider for ECS PAYMENT like BSNL doing.
I am in the dark to know the status of my bill payment. Department at Mettupalayam informed that if we choose other bank's debit cards it will take three days time to reach Electricity Department and we will be charged penality if it reaches late. But my account was debited instantly. Who will bear the charges? Let the electricity department has to give detail bill with date of receipt of funds so as to enable us to collect delayed charges from concerned bank. We feel very bad and discouraged to use other banks debit card or internet banking. Customer has to choose direct payment standing in the long queues. Why dont consider for ECS PAYMENT like BSNL doing.
April 11, 2016 at 11:43 AM
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